Questões de reinicialização.
Questões de dados.
How do I export my SwitchBot Meter data from the App?
How does SwitchBot Meter store data?
Integração com a plataforma de terceiros
How to use Meter as a trigger in IFTTT
Questões relacionadas com as cenas
How to create a smart “Scene” with Meter, Hub and other SwitchBot devices
Alerta no medidor SwitchBot
How to configure alerts of SwitchBot Meter?
How the Alert of Meter works? Why it Can't Work?
Why location permission is needed for Meter's Bluetooth Alert feature on iOS devices?
Leitura no SwitchBot Meter
Can I calibrate my SwitchBot Meter? How?
Why My Meter Showing a Different Rate From the Other Thermometers
How many days of readings can the SwitchBot Meter store? And what happens after that?
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