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How does the SwitchBot Remote work



  • mjjzonneveld

    In my living room I have three sets of paired curtains. I wish to open and close these curtains all at once. This can only be accomplished by creating a scene. What I don't understand is why I can't assign a scene to one of the buttons on the Switchbot Remote. The Remote only seems to work with a single or a grouped (two) curtains.

  • ivansiiito

    I just bought the Curtain Combo (Performance Pack) and I fail to see how can I use the remote to either open or close both SwitchBot Curtain devices. Apparently, each button of the remote can be assigned to do only one action (open or close) in one single device. So I either open an close only half of the curtain, or I can only open or close both of them.

    You say: "If two SwitchBot Curtains are grouped together, one button can be paired to open them both together and the other be paired to close them together."

    How can I group them together?


  • Leo

    Can the remote be used with the IFTTT? I need to initiate actions with non-SwitchBot devices. I have a Hub-Mini too, it it matters.


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